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IELTS Speaking Vocabulary
Here you can find IELTS speaking vocabulary for different topics you can face on IELTS Speaking test. Each word or phrase is followed by an example of its usage. Learn this advanced vocabulary and use it to gain more points on IELTS Speaking. You will enrich your English with uncommon lexical items, idioms and useful grammar.
IELTS Vocabulary
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Using a wide range of vocabulary will help you to gain higher score at IELTS.

Don’t fear: you don’t have to learn all of these phrases. Just choose a few that you like and practice using them in your writing.

See also Vocabulary to describe graphs.

Listing Giving examples Generalising
firstly, secondly, thirdly for example in general
first, furthermore, finally for instance generally
to begin, to conclude as follows: on the whole
next that is as a rule
Reinforcement in this case for the most part
also namely in most cases
furthermore in other words usually
moreover Result/consequence Highlighting
what is more so in particular
in addition therefore particularly
besides as a result/consequence especially
above all accordingly mainly
as well (as) consequently Reformulation
in the same way because of this/that in other words
not only … but also thus rather
Similarity hence to put it more simply
equally for this/that reason Expressing an alternative
likewise so that alternatively
similarly in that case rather
correspondingly under these circumstances on the other hand
in the same way Deduction the alternative is
Transition to new point then another possibility would be
now, in other words Contrast
as far as x is concerned in that case instead
with regard/reference to otherwise conversely
as for … this implies that … on the contrary
it follows that if so/not in contrast
turning to Stating the obvious in comparison
Summary obviously Concession (smth unexpected)
in conclusion clearly even though
to conclude naturally however
in brief of course however much
to summarise as can be expected nevertheless
overall surely still
therefore after all yet