TOEIC Speaking: Tourist Attraction » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
TOEIC Speaking & Writing
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Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.

Question 11

One of your important business partners from Switzerland is visiting your country. When he arrives, which tourist attractions or destinations would you recommend to him and his family?


How did you do? Use the following pointers as a guideline to refine your answer.

  1. Brainstorm your opinion on this topic
    • Where to visit in San Francisco
      • Golden Gate Bridge
      • Fisherman’s Wharf
      • Union Square
    • Activities you would recommend
      • Visit Golden Gate Bridge and drive through Golden Gate Park
      • Have clam chowder with sourdough bread at Fisherman’s Wharf
      • Many events happen at Union Square and also there are many good restaurants nearby
  2. Come up with three reasons to back up your argument
    I would like to recommend a couple of points of interest in San Francisco.

    • #1: If you are visiting San Francisco for the first time, you have to see the famous Golden Gate Bridge and drive through Golden Gate Park. Sometimes you can find buffalos in the park.
    • #2: Also, Fisherman’s Wharf is another iconic tourist attraction. You should try clam chowder with sourdough bread there.
    • #3: In the downtown near Union Square, there are many events and good restaurants nearby. You can also go shopping there.
  3. Conclude with your argument
    • I am sure that you and your family would really enjoy the tourist attractions and destinations I mentioned earlier.


Reading great sample answers is one way to improve. Go over the sample answer with your tutor. Ask questions if you have any.

Sample Answer

There are so many things to do in San Francisco, but I would like to recommend a couple of points of interest in the city. If you are visiting San Francisco for the first time, you have to see the famous Golden Gate Bridge and drive through Golden Gate Park. Sometimes you can spot buffalos in the park. Also, Fisherman’s Wharf is another iconic tourist attraction. You should try clam chowder with sourdough bread there. In the downtown near Union Square, there are many events and good restaurants nearby. You can also go shopping there. I am sure that you and your family would really enjoy the tourist attractions and destinations I mentioned earlier.


Got more time? Here is a list of common vocab words related to the text you studied today. Go over each one with your tutor.

Additional Expressions

tourist attraction (n) a place of interest where tourists visit
e.g. The hotel has become a tourist attraction. 
points of interest (n) a specific point location that someone may find useful or interesting
e.g. Are there some historical points of interest that we should not miss?
iconic (adj) important or impressive, being a symbol of something
e.g. He has achieved iconic status in the movie business.
spot (v) see or notice
e.g. She spotted a deer in the woods.
downtown (n) the main or central part of a city or town
e.g. The city’s downtown is thriving.
itinerary (n) proposed route of travel
e.g. Our itinerary included stops at several famous cathedrals.
outstanding (adj) excellent
e.g. I was amazed at the outstanding quality of your work.
scenery (n) surroundings
e.g. We went for a drive to enjoy the scenery.
acknowledged (adj) widely recognized
e.g. He was the acknowledged leader of a political party.
grandiose (adj) theatrical, grand
e.g. He was full of grandiose ideas.