Preparing to Write: Conjunctions – Writing Better English For ESL Learners » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
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In this part you will be dealing with conjunctions. They are used to combine two sentences into one — a compound sentence. Some conjunctions have an adverbial usage, but here you will encounter them as they are used in everyday language: as words that combine two phrases or sentences into one. 

  • If the combined sentences each have a subject and a verb, separate the sentences with a comma: 

John is a doctor, and Mary is a lawyer. 

John is a doctor and works in Chicago. 

  • If the combined sentences begin with a conjunction, separate them with a comma: 

If you work hard, you can have a good life. 

When using however or therefore, you should separate the combined sentences with a semicolon: 

His hands were tied; however, he continued to struggle to get free. 

There’s a storm coming; therefore we have to stay alert. 

The use of the comma is optional when the two parts of the sentence are related or are linked by meaning: 

Alicia is smart, but she hates to study. 

Alicia is smart but she hates to study. 

  • Following are some commonly used conjunctions: 









  • Look at the following examples: 

There was nothing the doctor could do; therefore he left. 

Anna is a smart girl, but she just doesn’t like studying. 

Because she became ill, Maria couldn’t go to the party. 

Interrogative pronouns

Interrogative pronouns, which ask a question, can also be used as conjunctions. They are not true conjunctions, but they can still be used to combine two sentences into one.

  • These are interrogative pronouns: 






  • Look at these examples: 

I don’t know why you have to go so early. 

Can you tell me how I can find Green Street? 

When John came into the room, she began to blush. 


Exercise 1 Choose the appropriate conjunction from the two given, andrewrite the two sentences as one.
  1. We went to bed early. (if, because) It was such a tiring day. 
  2. Can you tell me? (and, where) John is working. 
  3. Monday is the first day of classes. (and, why) I still have to buy some books. 
  4. Juan is my only brother. (therefore, but) I haven’t seen him in a year. 
  5. The weather is terrible today. (however, when) The parade went on as planned. 
  6. She started crying. (if, when) I told her I love her. 
  7. I don’t understand. (since, how) You can live in the city. 
  8. The soldiers let out a cheer. (for, where) The war had finally ended. 
  9. Tom will help you. (if, since) You pay him a few dollars. 
  10. We didn’t know. (therefore, where) She was hiding. 
  11. Let me know. (however, when) You will be home. 
  12. It’s been a long time. (since, if) I last saw you. 
  13. Do your very best. (if, but) Be careful. 
  14. She suddenly understood. (where, but) Father got the money. 
  15. It’s difficult to understand. (why, what) We should help you. 
Exercise 2 Complete the following sentences with any appropriate phrase. 
  1. The children remained in the garden and _____________________. 
  2. In summer it’s terribly hot, but _____________________. 
  3. Juan hates mathematics because _____________________. 
  4. Helena decided to stay home, for _____________________. 
  5. They all stayed inside their tents because _____________________. 
  6. We have no more money; therefore_____________________.
  7. I’m very disappointed; however, _____________________.
  8. Martin will lend us some money if _____________________. 
  9. Do you know why _____________________?
  10. I think I can tell you what _____________________.