IELTS December 4th 2021 Leather Process (Task 1) » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
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⚡️The diagram details the process of making leather products. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

1 2 Compressed

The diagram details the process by which leather products are made for retail. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that there are 3 main steps to this entirely man-made process beginning with initial transportation of the raw material to the factory, followed by preparation and processing of the material, and finally the production of consumer products.

Firstly, the leather skins from various animals are dried. Subsequent to this, they are taken to a factory by truck where they are washed in water and lime. The skins are then soaked in more lime for a period of time before being run through a machine with large rollers that flattens them out.

Next, the flattened skins are soaked in tannin, which is composed of water and vegetable matter. They are then polished by another rolling device and taken to another factory by trucks. In this factory, the final products are crafted and available to consumer shops.


1. The diagram details the process by which leather products are made for retail. 2. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that there are 3 main steps to this entirely man-made process beginning with initial transportation of the raw material to the factory, followed by preparation and processing of the material, and finally the production of consumer products.

  1. Paraphrase what the process shows.
  2. Write a clear overview summarising the major groups. Read here about overviews for processes.

1. Firstly, the leather skins from various animals are dried. 2. Subsequent to this, they are taken to a factory by truck where they are washed in water and lime. 3. The skins are then soaked in more lime for a period of time before being run through a machine with large rollers that flattens them out.

  1. Begin writing about the details of the process.
  2. This one is tricky to get up to the word count (no longer required on IELTS) so try to make it a little wordy.
  3. Include every step in the process.

1. Next, the flattened skins are soaked in tannin, which is composed of water and vegetable matter. 2. They are then polished by another rolling device and taken to another factory by trucks. 3. In this factory, the final products are crafted and available to consumer shops.

  1. Write about the rest of the process – include everything!
  2. Try to paraphrase some of the words from process as well.
  3. Add in the last step of the process.

What do the words in bold below mean? Take some notes on a piece of paper to aid your memory:

The diagram details the process by which leather products are made for retailLooking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that there are 3 main steps to this entirely man-made process beginning with initial transportation of the raw material to the factoryfollowed by preparation and processing of the material, and finally the production of consumer products.

Firstly, the leather skins from various animals are driedSubsequent to this, they are taken to a factory by truck where they are washed in water and lime. The skins are then soaked in more lime for a period of time before being run through machine with large rollers that flattens them out.

Next, the flattened skins are soaked in tannin, which is composed of water and vegetable matter. They are then polished by another rolling device and taken to another factory by trucks. In this factory, the final products are crafted and available to consumer shops.

Sample Band 7 +

But what if you want to make it even better? Have a look at this final example – what kind of changes have been made to give it a little extra magic?

The diagram illustrates how animal skins are processed in order to produce a range of leather items such as shoes, handbags and toys.

In the initial stages of the process, the skin is air-dried before being loaded onto trucks and taken to a nearby factory where it undergoes two chemical treatments to clean and soften it. Firstly it is washed with a mixture of water and lime, and then it is soaked in concentrated/pure lime and pushed through a rolling machine in order to flatten it, after which it is submerged in a vat of tannin, which is a substance derived from vegetables.

The last stage involves polishing the leather with a roller to improve its appearance. The pieces are subsequently transported by road to a processing factory where they are made into a number of everyday products like footwear and sports items in preparation for shipping.

Overall, the diagram shows that, despite the fact that the process of treating animal skins is done mostly in factories with the help of machinery, it is still lengthy and complex, involving several stages.   

You can:

  • say WHY something is done (in order to.., so that…) (to soften the leather, to remove impurities)
  • give extra details (transported by road, which is a substance, a mixture of)
  • give more examples (like footwear and sports items)
  • add adjectives (air-dried, everyday products, a nearby factory)
All of these will show the examiner how fluent and flexible you are in describing a process!

Yes, you only have 20 minutes to do all of this.

But if you have a clear strategy, and you’ve practiced using these strategies before the exam, with a variety of different types of processes, you will be equipped with all the skills and knowledge you need to write a really excellent Task 1 Process Description.


Try practicing with the vocabulary below by writing an antonym/opposite word on a piece of paper (or just thinking of one):

diagram details process hows

process diagram

leather products made from animal skins, usually from cows

retail for sale

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall

main steps biggest stages

entirely completely

man-made process done by humans

beginning with starting with

initial transportation first sending

raw material basic substance

factory place to make items

followed by next

preparation being made

vegetable matter comes from vegetables

polished made shiny

rolling device circular object for flattening or spreading

final end

crafted made

available can be bought

consumer shops stores

processing making into

finally in the end

production making into something

consumer products objecets for sale

firstly to start

skins the hide of an animal

dried not wet

subsequent to this after this

taken sent to

truck big car

washed cleaned

lime cleaning substance

soaked left in water

a period of time some period

run through put through

machine device

large rollers big objects for flattening

flattens them out stretches them

next after this

tannin a chemical protein

composed of made of

Listening Practice

Listen to the related topic below and practice with these activities: