Some people think the best way to solve traffic congestion in cities is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree? » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
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IELTS Writing
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Some people think the best way to solve traffic congestion in cities is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer
Words: 276
Band: 8

It is generally believed that if the government wants to solve the traffic congestion problem, the most effective solution is to provide free public transportation, such as buses and trains. In my opinion, I agree with this idea because it really helps to ease the situation.

Firstly, I believe that free public transportation can reduce people’s dependence on cars and improve traffic congestion. People who live outside the city centre tend to go to work because there are no buses and train stations around the area. Therefore, the government should consider building railway and bus lanes to cover all remote areas. In addition, dedicated lanes can be allocated to buses to avoid traffic jams. For example, Japan has done a very good job with its advanced subway system. Their stations are always overcrowded, and trains and buses are always on time. People rarely own cars and they rely on public transportation.

Secondly, the government should always carry out publicity activities to promote the advantages of using free public transportation. By doing so, people can break the mentality that public transportation is dirty, slow, and unreliable. As long as more people know, the transportation system is well designed, more comfortable and more convenient; people will soon start using public transportation. For example, Singapore has implemented 24/7 free public transportation, and its roads are unobstructed.

In short, I firmly believe that free transportation will reduce congestion by promoting awareness-raising campaigns and investment in buses and trains. Although it is a difficult task for the government to implement free public transportation in the community, once the government implements it successfully, it will have a major impact on everyone’s life.