Word Order » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
Nội dung khóa học
Conditionals, wishes, present subjunctive and real or unreal.
Grammar & Quiz
Nội dung bài học


Question 1 of 3

Is the word order OK or not? Correct the sentences where necessary.

1 Did you see your friends yesterday? OK

2 Ben walks every morning to work.  

3 Joe doesn’t like very much football.

4 Dan won easily the race.

5 Tanya speaks German quite well.

6 Have you seen recently Chris?

7 I borrowed from a friend some money.

8 Please don’t ask that question again.

9 I ate quickly my breakfast and went out.

10 Did you invite to the party a lot of people?

11 Sam watches all the time TV.

12 Does Kevin play football every weekend?

Question 1 of 3

Question 2 of 3

Complete the sentences. Put the parts in the correct order.

1.(for a long time / have lived / in the same house)


2. (to the supermarket / every Friday / go)


3. (home / did you come / so late)

Why    ?

4. (her children / takes / every day / to school)

Sarah    .

5. (been / recently / to the cinema)

I haven't   .

6. (at the top of the page / your name / write)

Please    .

7. (her name / after a few minutes / remembered)

I    .

8. (around the town / all morning / walked)

We    .

9. (on Saturday night / didn't see you / at the party)

I     .

10. (some interesting books / found / in the library)

We   .

11. (her umbrella / last night / in a restaurant / left)

Laura    .

12. (opposite the park / a new hotel / are building)

They    .

Question 2 of 3

Question 3 of 3

Complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets in the correct order

  1. (1) (remember / I / never / can) her name.
  2. (2) (take / I / usually) sugar in coffee.
  3. (3) (am / usually / I) hungry when I get home from work.
  4. Mark and Amy (4)  (both / were / born) in Manchester.
  5. Lisa is a good pianist. (5) (sing / she / also / can) very well.
  6. Our cat (6) (usually / sleeps) under the bed.
  7. They live in the same building as me, but (7)  (never / I / have / spoken) to them.
  8. This shop is always very busy. (8)  (have / you / always / to wait) a long time to be served.
  9. My eyesight isn't very good. (9)  (I / read / can / only) with glasses.
  10. (10)  (all / were / we) tired, so (11)  (all / we / fell) asleep.
  11.  I’m going out for an hour.(12)  (still / be / you / will) here when I get back?
  12. (13)  (I / probably / leaving / will / be) early tomorrow.
  13. I'm afraid (14) (probably / I / be / won't) able to come to the party.
  14. Helen is away a lot. (15) (is / hardly ever / she) at home.
  15. (16) (we / still / are / living) in the same place. We haven't moved.
  16. If we hadn't taken the same train, (17) (never / met / we / would / have) each other.
  17. Tanya (18)  (says / always) that she'll phone me, but (19)  (does / she / never).

Question 3 of 3