Being in a hurry » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
Nội dung khóa học
Shadowing Technique Practice
New Learning Management System (LMS)
IELTS Speaking
Nội dung bài học

1. When was the last time you did something in a hurry?

2. Do you like to finish things quickly?

3.What kind of things you would never do in a hurry?

4. Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?

1. When was the last time you did something in a hurry?
✤ The last time I did something in a hurry was two months ago.I remember my exams were going on.I slept really late because I was studying and in the morning I did not hear the alarm.So I got ready in a hurry,and forgot my wallet at home.

2. Do you like to finish things quickly?
✤ If I don’t like what I’m doing,then I like to finish things quickly.But,if I am enjoying what I’m doing then I take my time.

3.What kind of things you would never do in a hurry?
✤ I would never drive in a hurry,or cross the road in a hurry.

4. Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?
✤ It is easy to make mistakes in a hurry,because the mind is preoccupied and so it is easy to forget certain things.That desire it has been rightly said that haste makes waste.