Films » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
Nội dung khóa học
Shadowing Technique Practice
New Learning Management System (LMS)
IELTS Speaking
Nội dung bài học

1.Do you like to watch films?

2.Do you prefer foreign films or Indian films?

3.How often do you go to cinema to watch a movie?

4.Do Indian people like to go to cinema to watch a film?

5.What kinds of movies do you like the best?

6.What was the first film you watched?

1.Do you like to watch films?
✤ Yes,I love to watch films.I think it is a very good form of entertainment and gives us the much needed break in our busy life.It is also a good way to spend quality time with friends and family.

2.Do you prefer foreign films or Indian films?
✤ I like watching both,Indian and foreign films.I think that the Indian films keep us connected to our culture and roots and through the foreign films,we get knowledge about other cultures.Both are an equally good source of entertainment.

3.How often do you go to cinema to watch a movie?
✤ I go to cinema to watch a movie quite often,at least once or twice a month.

4.Do Indian people like to go to cinema to watch a film?
✤ Yes,Indian people like to go to cinema to watch films.It is evident from the increasing number of multiplexes that are opening in every city and are almost always full of people.

5.What kinds of movies do you like the best?
✤ I like movies that have a good story,with some good lessons or a message and those with good acting and direction.

6.What was the first film you watched?
✤ I don’t remember exactly,but one of the first films I remember from my childhood is ______________________.(Add a couple of lines about the kind of movie and the story/what was it about).