Sunshine » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
Nội dung khóa học
Shadowing Technique Practice
New Learning Management System (LMS)
IELTS Speaking
Nội dung bài học

1. Do you like sunny days?
2. Do you like going (or, being) outside on sunny days?
3. What do you like to do on sunny days(or, when you go outside)?
4. What benefits can (or do) people get from sunshine? OR What benefits can (or do) we get from the sun?
5. Do you think there are any downsides(or dangers)from sunshine?
6. What do you do (when you are outside) and the sun is too strong?
7. If you wanted to go to a place that has lots of sunshine, where would you go?
8. Would you like to go,as a tourist,to a place that has little sunshine? OR Would you ever go,as a tourist,to a place that has little sunshine?

1. Do you like sunny days?
✤ Yes,I like sunny days,but only in pleasant and cold weather.I do not like sunny days in summers and hot weather.

2. Do you like going (or, being) outside on sunny days?
✤ Yes,I like being outside on sunny days.However,not during the summer season.

3. What do you like to do on sunny days(or, when you go outside)?
✤ On sunny days, I sometimes like to sit out in the sun and read.Sometimes I go out and meet my friends in a park.Sometimes we plan a picnic on a nice sunny day.

4. What benefits can (or do) people get from sunshine? OR What benefits can (or do) we get from the sun?
✤ There are many benefits of getting sunshine.We need sunshine to get the essential vitamin D.Vitamin D is essential for Calcium absorption and can cause several medical problems.

5. Do you think there are any downsides(or dangers)from sunshine?
✤ Yes, certainly.There are some downsides of too much sunshine or being exposed to sunshine without the protection of sunscreen.It may cause skin burns or heat stroke or sometimes even skin cancer.

6. What do you do (when you are outside) and the sun is too strong?
✤ When the sun is too strong and I am outside,I usually look for some shade or a cool place to sit and drink lots of water.

7. If you wanted to go to a place that has lots of sunshine, where would you go?
✤ I would go to a place where the weather is pleasant and has a lot of sunshine.It would probably be a hill station.

8. Would you like to go,as a tourist,to a place that has little sunshine? OR Would you ever go,as a tourist,to a place that has little sunshine?
✤ I like travelling and visiting new places.And given an opportunity I would definitely like to visit a place that has little sunshine.