Talk about Tet Holiday » IELTS Gò Vấp
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Tet Holiday Ielt2S

Talk about the Tet holiday in your country.
You should say:

  • When it takes place?
  • Why it takes place?
  • What the people do during this festival?
  • and explain why this festival is important to you?

1. Từ vựng ngày Tết Nguyên Đán

1.1. Những thời khắc quan trọng (Crucial moments)

  • Before New Year’s Eve: Tất niên
  • New Year’s Eve: Đêm Giao Thừa
  • Lunar New Year: Tết Nguyên Đán

1.2. Các món ăn ngày Tết (Foods)

  • Vietnamese square sticky rice cake: bánh chưng
  • Vietnamese cylindrical sticky rice cake: bánh tét
  • Pickled small leeks: củ kiệu
  • Roasted watermelon seeds: hạt dưa
  • Dried candied fruits: mứt
  • Braised pork and eggs: thịt kho trứng
  • Dried bamboo shoots: Măng khô
  • Jellied meat: Thịt đông
  • Pork paste: Giò lụa
  • Pig trotters: Chân giò
  • Sunflower seeds: Hạt hướng dương
  • Pumpkin seeds: Hạt bí
  • Cashew nuts: Hạt điều
  • Pistachio nuts: Hạt dẻ cười
  • Dried lotus seeds: Hạt sen sấy

1.3. Các hoạt động ngày Tết

  • Spring cleaning: dọn dẹp nhà vào năm mới
  • Get rid of bad spirit: xua đuổi tà ma
  • Thắp nhang: light incense sticks
  • Family reunion/family gathering: cuộc đoàn tụ gia đình
  • Worship the ancestor: thờ cúng tổ tiên
  • Decorate the house: Trang trí nhà cửa
  • Exchange New Year’s wishes: Chúc Tết nhau
  • Visit pagoda: Viếng chùa
  • Visit relatives and friends: Thăm bà con bạn bè
  • Go to flower market: Đi chợ hoa
  • To return to hometown: Về quê
  • Bid their ancestor farewell: Đưa ông bà

1.4. Biểu tượng Tết

  • Peach blossom: Hoa đào
  • Apricot blossom: Hoa mai
  • Parallel sentences: Câu đối
  • Lucky money: Tiền lì xì
  • Calligraphy pictures: Thư pháp
  • Fireworks: Pháo hoa
  • Five – fruit tray: Mâm ngũ quả
  • Annona: Mãng cầu
  • Papaya: Đu đủ
  • Mango: Xoài
  • Marigold: Cúc vạn thọ
  • Chrysanthemum: Cúc đại đóa
  • Orchid: Hoa lan
  • Paperwhite: Hoa thủy tiên
  • Watermelon: Dưa hấu

1.5. Các từ vựng khác về chủ đề Tết

  • Ritual: Lễ nghi
  • Altar: Bàn thờ
  • Incense stick: Nhang
  • Lunar calendar: Lịch Âm lịch
  • First caller: Người xông đất
  • Health, Happiness, Luck & Prosperity: “Khỏe mạnh, Hạnh phúc, May mắn, & Thịnh vượng”
  • Sweep the floor: Quét nhà
  • Taboo: Điều cấm kỵ
  • The Kitchen Gods: Táo quân

2. Cấu trúc cho chủ đề Talk About Tet Holiday in Vietnam

  • It’s my honor to tell you about…: Tôi rất vinh dự được kể cho bạn nghe về….
  • This occasion is widely expected by many people: Sự kiện này được nhiều người trông đợi
  • The festival often takes place from … to …: Lễ hội thường diễn ra từ … đến ….
  • It is considered the most popular event: Sự kiện này được xem là rất phổ biến 
  • There are plenty of fun activities during this festival: Có nhiều hoạt động thú vị trong suốt kỳ lễ hội
  • It is one of very few occasions that…: Đây là một trong số những dịp hiếm hoi mà …
  • We always like to take part in…: Chúng tôi luôn rất thích thú khi tham gia vào…
  • It is so important not only to me but also to others because…: Nó không chỉ quan trọng đối với tôi mà còn với những người khác vì…
  • It plays an important role in our life…: Nó đóng vai trò quan trọng trong cuộc sống của chúng ta vì…

 Bài mẫu Talk About Tet holiday band 5.0+

Introduction: Okay, so now I would like to talk about the Tet holiday in Vietnam.


  • It is a very important holiday for all Vietnamese people. It often takes place from the end of January till the end of February. People use the Lunar Calendar to count the dates. It is also spring time. So the weather is very suitable for this festival.
  • It takes place to welcome the New Lunar Year. Another reason is because people have worked hard for the whole year and they need a break. Moreover, we also need to spend time with our family and Tet holiday is a good occasion.
  • Before the festival, people should do a complete spring cleaning. During the festival, they will visit their friend’s and relatives’ houses, enjoy some special food, play cards and exchange lucky money. In addition, they will also visit pagodas and pray for a good year of work.
  • First, I can get together with my family and friends after a year of hard work and study. Second, I’m happy to get dressed up in nice clothes and take a walk in public places. Third, I can visit pagodas and pray for a lucky coming year. in this festival.

Conclusion: So, that’s all I would like to say. I hope that this holiday will come soon.

Bài mẫu Talk About Tet holiday band 6.5+

Introduction: Okay, so now let me tell you about the biggest festival that occurs every year in my country.


  • It is a very important holiday for all Vietnamese people which often takes place from the end of January till the end of February every year. You know, people use the Lunar Calendar, which is according to the Moon, to count the exact dates. Luckily, this period of the year is in the spring season when the weather is good enough for the festival and for people to hang out as well.
  • The reason why we celebrate this festival is that it marks the end of the Lunar Year and the beginning of the New Lunar Year. Another reason is because  after working hard for a whole year, people would like to take a break and forget about their busy life for a while. Moreover, they prefer to have some time for their family and Tet holiday is a good occasion.
  • Before the festival, what people should do is a complete spring cleaning which means they will have to tidy their house as well as decorating the ancestor’s altar carefully. During the festival, they will visit their friends and relatives’ houses where they will enjoy big meals with some special food like square sticky rice cake, cylindrical sticky rice cake, pickled leeks, braised pork and eggs. After the meals they often spend the rest of their time playing cards and exchanging lucky money. In addition, they will also visit pagodas in order to pray for a year of luck. But on top of that, they like to walk around the city center for some photo shoots in nice clothes and post their pictures on Facebook or Instagram.
  • I really consider this festival essential for me for some reasons. First and foremost, after a long time of work and study, it is a chance when I can get together with my family and friends to catch up with their life’s stories. Second, it is also an opportunity for me to get dressed up in nice clothes and take a walk in public places where I can pose in some fancy outfits. Third, since it is a long holiday. I can make use of the time by visiting pagodas to pray for a year of fortune, success and peace.

Conclusion: So, those are reasons why I would like to mention Tet holiday. I really wish it would be the Tet holiday tomorrow so that I could enjoy myself.

Bài mẫu Talk About Tet holiday in Vietnam band 8.0+

Introduction: Of all the big holidays that occur in Vietnam every year, I would like to share with you the most anticipated traditional festive week which is called Tet holiday.


  • You know, it is a very important traditional holiday for all Vietnamese people which often takes place from the end of January till the end of February every year. However, the exact dates for Tet are different every year as in our tradition we use the Lunar calendar to count the first day or the Lunar Year. I mean people will use the movement of the Moon around the Earth to count the dates, not that of the Earth around the Sun. Fortunately, this period of the year is also in the spring season so the weather is good enough for the festival and for people to take part in some fun activities as well.
  • Regarding the reason why we celebrate this festival is that it marks when the old and the unlucky Lunar Year finishes and when the New Lunar Year starts. Another reason is because after a year of hard work that keeps us always on our toes, we deserve a long repose which helps us to recharge the energy for the upcoming year. Moreover, since Vietnamese never stop placing the family’s value on top priority, Tet is the occasion for us to gather, to show love and affection as well as to keep each other updated.
  • One week before the festival, what we habitually do is a thorough spring cleaning, saying we freshen up the whole living place, throw away some old, expired or used stuff and buy some new ones. But the most important thing to do is to carefully, wholeheartedly clean and decorate our ancestor’s altar which is the spiritual symbol of the holiday. During the festival, the first thing we will do is to visit our friends and relatives’ houses where we will feed on big, delicious meals with some special delicacies like square sticky rice cake, cylindrical sticky rice cake, pickled leeks, braised pork and eggs. After the meals we often spend the rest of the visit playing cards, chit chatting and exchanging lucky money, lucky wishes. In addition, we will also visit pagodas in order to pray for a year of luck. But on top of that, we are interested in strolling around the city center in gorgeous clothes for some stylish photos which will be published on our Facebook or Instagram.
  • There are several reasons why I really consider this festival a part of my most  annually expected events besides my birthday. First and foremost, after a long time of intense schedule which seems to wear me out, it is a chance when I can get together with my family and friends to catch up with their life’s stories. To be honest, hearing my family sharing their thoughts and wishes makes me feel so warm and proud inside. Second, it is also an opportunity for me to get dressed up in fancy clothes and parade along the streets. Everytime I come out to the main big square of the city during the holiday, I imagine I was in a giant fashion show with all the sexy vedettes around including me. Third, since it is a long holiday, I can wisely make use of the time by visiting pagodas. As a habit, my mom and I always go to our favorite pagoda right after New Year’s Eve and pray for a year of fortune, success and peace.

Conclusion: So, those are the reasons why I am so delighted to share with you what I know about Tet holiday. I really wish such a meaningful holiday like Tet will soon arrive with loads of luck, love and happiness.