Relatives » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
Nội dung khóa học
Shadowing Technique Practice
New Learning Management System (LMS)
IELTS Speaking
Nội dung bài học

1 Do you often visit your relatives?

2 What do you do when visit them?

3 Do you prefer to spend time with your relatives,or your friends?

4 (Possibly the question above is this)Do you prefer visiting your relatives,or your friends?

5 (Similar to above)Who is the more important to you,your relatives/your family,or your friends?

1 Do you often visit your relatives?
✤ No,I don’t often visit relatives.I visit them once or twice in six months.

2 What do you do when visit them?
✤ Whenever we visit relatives,we have lots of fun.We visit some historical places,eat out,watch movies and do lots of other activities.

3 Do you prefer to spend time with your relatives,or your friends?
✤ I prefer to spend time with my friends.I like the company very much.We have lots of fun together.

4 (Possibly the question above is this)Do you prefer visiting your relatives,or your friends?

5 (Similar to above)Who is the more important to you,your relatives/your family,or your friends?
✤ Both are important for me,but my friends are more important than my relatives.Of course,my immediate family is more important then friends.