Rainy Days » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
Nội dung khóa học
Shadowing Technique Practice
New Learning Management System (LMS)
IELTS Speaking
Nội dung bài học

1. Does it rain much in India?(Where?When?)

2. Does it rain much in your hometown?(Include how often)

3. In what season does it rain the most? OR When(in what month/season)does it rain most in your hometown?

4. What about the other parts of India? OR In which season does it rain most in other parts of India?

5. Would you prefer to have,more rain or less rain(in your hometown)?

6. Do you like rainy days?OR How do you feel on rainy days? OR Do you feel sad on rainy days?

7. How does rain affect different people’s moods? OR How does rain affect people’s lives?

8. Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?

9. What do you do on rainy days(or,on a rainy day)?

10. What do you usually do when it rains(or,when it starts to rain)and you are outside?

11. Do you think rain is good?(Why?)

12. How does rain affect(life in)your country?

13. Is there any part of India where it doesn’t rain much?(Where?) OR Is there an even distribution of rain throughout India?

14. What effects can a shortage of rain(a drought)have on people’s lives?

15. Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?(When?)

16. Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown? (How?)

17. Do you think the seasons have changed in recent years,compared to the past?(Why?How?)

. Does it rain much in India?(Where?When?)
✤ India is a diverse country with different climatic conditions in different regions.So there are some parts of India that receive a lot of rain,like Cherrapunji in Meghalaya,Amboli in Maharashtra,etc.Some places receive a lot of rainfall only during the monsoon season, like Mumbai,Chennai,Goa,etc.

2. Does it rain much in your hometown?(Include how often)
✤ It doesn’t rain much in my hometown.It is only during the monsoon season,that is in the months from June to August that we receive some rainfall.

3. In what season does it rain the most? OR When(in what month/season)does it rain most in your hometown?
It rains the most in my hometown in the monsoon season,that is in the months from June to August.\

4. What about the other parts of India? OR In which season does it rain most in other parts of India?
India has a varied terrain.In many parts of India,it mostly rains in the monsoon season.However,it also depends on the geographical location as it affects the rainfall in many regions.

5. Would you prefer to have,more rain or less rain(in your hometown)?
✤ I would prefer to have more rain in my hometown.In the last few years,there has been a drastic change in the seasons and the summers get very hot.If there is more rainfall in the summers,there will be respite from the heat.

6. Do you like rainy days?OR How do you feel on rainy days? OR Do you feel sad on rainy days?
✤ I like rainy days in the summer season because the temperatures drop and we get respite from the summer heat.In winters I am not too happy when it rains,as it becomes very cold after it rains.

7. How does rain affect different people’s moods? OR How does rain affect people’s lives?
✤ I think rains affect people’s moods when it restricts their activities or leads to a loss in the work or business.Some people feel happy when it rains as the weather becomes pleasant and people can enjoy hot beverages and fried snacks.

8. Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?
✤ I prefer rainy days in the summers and sunny days in the winter season.Rains give us respite from the heat in the summers and we can enjoy sitting out in the sun on a cold winter day.

9. What do you do on rainy days(or,on a rainy day)?
✤ I enjoy hot beverages,like coffee and fried snacks like fritters and samosas on rainy days.It gives us an opportunity to stay at home with family and spend quality time with them.

10. What do you usually do when it rains(or,when it starts to rain)and you are outside?
✤ If it rains when I am outside,I usually look for a cafe or a place where I can sit and enjoy coffee and some snacks.

11. Do you think rain is good?(Why?)
✤ Yes,I think rains are good.Rains are important to maintain the ecosystem’s balance.Rains help with maintaining the groundwater levels.They make the dust settle down and help clean the environment.For agriculture-based economies,rains during the rainy season are very important for a good crop.

12. How does rain affect(life in)your country?
✤ Agriculture is a major part of India’s economy and that is largely dependent on timely rains.So a lot of farmers depend on a good monsoon season for a good crop.Unseasonal rains can have an adverse affect on agriculture,as it can destroy crops.In places where there is water shortage,people depend on rains and save rain water in reservoirs.

13. Is there any part of India where it doesn’t rain much?(Where?) OR Is there an even distribution of rain throughout India?
✤ India is a diverse country with different climates in different parts.There are many parts in the east of India that experience a lot of rain throughout the year.In most parts of India,monsoon season is the time when most of the rainfall happens.In some western parts,like in the deserts of Rajasthan,there is very little rain.Sometimes some states experience droughts because of no rainfall for a very long period of time.

14. What effects can a shortage of rain(a drought)have on people’s lives?
✤ Droughts/Shortage of rain can have adverse effects on the livelihoods of many people,especially those who are dependent on agriculture.Sometimes people are forced to leave their hometowns due to water shortage and start afresh somewhere else and face hardships.Many people die each year in India and all over the world because of droughts.

15. Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?(When?)
✤ Yes,I remember that during my childhood it used to rain continuously for days and the roads and parks got filled with water.We used to enjoy a lot playing in the rain and the pools of water.This used to happen during the monsoon season.Now the amount of rainfall has reduced drastically due to climate change.

16. Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown? (How?)
✤ Yes,sometimes the rain affects the transportation.It is mostly on some roads where the drainage system is not good or when it is blocked.At such times the water logging happens on the roads and the movement of traffic is affected.

17. Do you think the seasons have changed in recent years,compared to the past?(Why?How?)
✤ Yes,I think seasons have changed in the recent years because of global warming and the consequent climate change.The summers last longer and the winters are shorter. Also,the amount of rainfall during the monsoon season has reduced.Sometimes we hardly get any rains during the monsoon season.