Fruits And Vegetables » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
Nội dung khóa học
Shadowing Technique Practice
New Learning Management System (LMS)
IELTS Speaking
Nội dung bài học

1. Do you like fruits and vegetables? OR Do you like to eat fruit(s) and vegetables?

2. How often do you eat fruits and vegetables? OR Do you often eat fruit(s) and vegetables?

3. Why do you think fruits and vegetables are important for us?

4. What kind of fruit do you prefer?

5. What fruit(s) (and /or vegetables) do you especially like to eat?

6. Do you like the same fruits and vegetables today as you did when you were a child?

7. What fruit and vegetables did you like to eat when you were a child?

8. Is it easy(or,convenient)to buy fruit and vegetables where you live?

9. Do you think people should eat more fruits and vegetables?

10. Do you think it’s (really)necessary to eat fruits and vegetables? OR How important is it to eat fruit and vegetables? OR What are the benefits of eating fresh fruit(or,fresh fruits and vegetables)?

11. How much fruit and vegetables do you think a person needs to stay healthy?

12. Generally speaking,do children like to eat fruits and vegetables?

13. What are the benefits for children from eating fruits and vegetables?

14.(In India,)is there much difference between the fruits and vegetables that people eat today and what they used to eat in the past?

15. Would you ever grow your own vegetables?

16. What’s the difference between growing your own vegetables and growing vegetables on a large farm?

17. What factors affect the growing of fruits and vegetables on a farm?

. Do you like fruits and vegetables? OR Do you like to eat fruit(s) and vegetables?
✤ Yes,I like fruits and vegetables.In fact they are a part of my daily diet.

2. How often do you eat fruits and vegetables? OR Do you often eat fruit(s) and vegetables?
✤ I eat fruits and vegetables daily.In fact seasonal fruits and vegetables are part of my daily diet.

3. Why do you think fruits and vegetables are important for us?
✤ I think they are important because they have essential vitamins and minerals,which we must eat to be healthy.

4. What kind of fruit do you prefer?
✤ I prefer all kinds of fruit.But I prefer seasonal fruits because they are readily available and cheap.

5. What fruit(s) (and /or vegetables) do you especially like to eat?
✤ I like to eat all fruits and vegetables,but I especially like the okra and broccoli among the veggies and my favourite fruits are watermelon and mango.

6. Do you like the same fruits and vegetables today as you did when you were a child?
✤ As a child,my favourite fruit used to be grapes,but now I like mango and watermelon more.Also,I wasn’t very find of vegetables as a child.Now I love all kinds of vegetables and fruits.

7. What fruit and vegetables did you like to eat when you were a child?
✤ I liked all fruits as a child and my favourite fruit used to be grapes.I wasn’t very fond of vegetables when I was a child.

8. Is it easy(or,convenient)to buy fruit and vegetables where you live?
✤ Yes,it is very convenient to buy fruits and vegetables where I live.I live in a city and there are many fruit and vegetable sellers,who have stalls/stands set up in many parts of the city.In grocery stores also we have a fruits and vegetables section.

9. Do you think people should eat more fruits and vegetables?
✤ Yes,I think people should eat more fruits and vegetables,as they contain essential vitamins and nutrients needed for a healthy body and mind.Also,it has become all the more important now to eat healthy food as most of the people lead a sedentary life.

10. Do you think it’s (really)necessary to eat fruits and vegetables? OR How important is it to eat fruit and vegetables? OR What are the benefits of eating fresh fruit(or,fresh fruits and vegetables)?
✤ Yes, certainly.It is essential to eat fresh fruits and vegetables,as they contain nutrients like vitamins and minerals,which our body needs to function properly and to remain healthy.Also,having a healthy diet makes us feel more energetic.

11. How much fruit and vegetables do you think a person needs to stay healthy?
✤ I think fruits and vegetables are needed as a part of our everyday diet.Many dieticians suggest that we should eat fruits and vegetables of at least five different colors everyday.

12. Generally speaking,do children like to eat fruits and vegetables?
✤ I think children are fond of fruits,but not many children like eating vegetables.

13. What are the benefits for children from eating fruits and vegetables?
✤ Fruits and vegetables provide the essential nutrition required for a child’s proper physical and mental development.It also helps build their immunity and protects them from catching infections.

14.(In India,)is there much difference between the fruits and vegetables that people eat today and what they used to eat in the past?
✤ Yes,there has been a change in the fruits and vegetables we eat today in India,as compared to the past.In earlier times,mostly the local produce was consumed.However,now we have fruits and vegetables from the other parts of the country and the also from other parts of the world.

15. Would you ever grow your own vegetables?
✤ Yes,I would like to have a kitchen garden in my home,where I can grow my own fruits and vegetables.

16. What’s the difference between growing your own vegetables and growing vegetables on a large farm?
✤ The main difference is the quantity of the crop.In a farm,the crop size is bigger than in a kitchen garden.In a kitchen garden,vegetables are grown for the consumption of the family member of the household,whereas at a farm the purpose mostly is to sell the crop in the market.When we grow our own vegetables,it is easy to maintain and control the quality of the produce.We can even decide to have organic produce by not using any chemical products.However,it is very difficult to maintain and control the pests and quality of the crop.Mostly farmers need to resort to the use of insecticides and pesticides to save the crops from pests.

17. What factors affect the growing of fruits and vegetables on a farm?
✤ There are many factors that affect the growing of fruits and vegetables on a farm,like the soil quality,irrigation,weather,pests etc.