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Shadowing Technique Practice
New Learning Management System (LMS)
IELTS Speaking
Nội dung bài học

Part 2 – Long turn

Part 2 is the individual long turn. The examiner gives the test takers a task card which asks the test takers to talk about a particular topic, includes points to cover in their talk and instructs the test takers to explain one aspect of the topic. Test takers are given one minute to prepare their talk, and are given a pencil and paper to make notes. The examiner asks the test takers to talk for 1 to 2 minutes, stops the test takers after 2 minutes, and asks one or two questions on the same topic.

Using the points on the task card effectively, and making notes during the preparation time, will help the test takers think of appropriate things to say, structure their talk, and keep talking for 2 minutes. Part 2 lasts 3–4 minutes, including the preparation time.

Here are some of the IELTS Speaking topics part 2.

1- Describe an event that changed your life (or, changed you) in a good way. You should say:

  • when it happened
  • where it happened
  • what the change was
  • and explain how you benefited from this change.

2- Describe a restaurant you like You should say:

  • where it is
  • how often you go there
  • what food it has.
  • and explain why you like it.

3- Describe an important building in your hometown or city. You should say:

  • where it is
  • what it looks like
  • what it is used for
  • and explain why you think it is important.

4- Describe something important that you once forgot to do. You should say:

  • what you forgot to do
  • when this happened
  • where it happened
  • and explain how you felt about it later.

5- Describe a (very) intelligent person you know. You should say:

  • who this person is
  • when and where you (first) met them (him or her)
  • what this person does in life (e.g., work/ study)
  • and explain why you think this person is intelligent.

6- Describe something (special) that you saved money to buy. You should say:

  • what it was
  • how long it took you to save enough money to buy it
  • why you wanted to buy this thing
  • how you got (or, earned) the money
  • and explain how you felt when (or, after) you bought it.

7- Describe a garden or park you enjoyed visiting. You should say:

  • where it was
  • what it looked like
  • what you did (or, were doing) there
  • and explain why you liked it.

8- Describe a present (a gift) you received when you were a child You should say:

  • what the present was
  • who gave it to you
  • how you used this present
  • and explain how you felt when you got this present.*

9- Describe an antique or some other old object that your family has kept for a long time. You should say:

  • what it is
  • how your family first got this thing
  • how long your family has kept it
  • and explain why this thing is important to your family.

10- Describe a film you didn’t like. You should say:

  • when you saw it
  • where you saw it
  • what it was about
  • and explain why you didn’t like it.

11- Describe a high school, university or evening class (or course) you studied You should say:

  • what you did in this class (or course)
  • how long the class or course was
  • who taught the class (or course)
  • and explain why you chose to study this subject (or course)

12- Describe a time when you are very busy. You should say:

  • when this time is
  • what you do at this time
  • how you arrange your time
  • and explain how you feel after this busy time is over.

13- Describe something special you brought home from a holiday. You should say:

  • what it was
  • when and where you went on this holiday
  • what you did with it after you brought it home
  • and explain why you thought it was special.

14- Describe a place where you would like to have (or, build) a home. You should say:

  • Where it is
  • What the place looks like
  • How you know about the place
  • When you first went to this place
  • What work you would do if you lived there
  • and explain why you would like to live there.

15- Describe a time when you stayed (far) away from your home. You should say:

  • where it was
  • how long you stayed there
  • what you did there (or, why you stayed there)
  • and explain how you felt about (staying at) this place.

16- Describe a success of your friend that made you feel proud. You should say:

  • who this friend was (or, is)
  • what success they had
  • how your friend celebrated this success
  • and explain why you were proud of your friend’s success.

17- Describe a sport you like to watch or play. You should say:

  • what people wear in this sport
  • what equipment is used in this sport
  • how this sport is played
  • and explain why you like this sport.

18- Describe a time when you had a problem with a piece of equipment (e.g., a TV or a washing  machine) You should say:

  • what equipment
  • what problem you had
  • when you had this problem
  • and explain what you did about this problem.

19- Describe a book that you enjoyed reading. You should say:

  • what the book was
  • what was in this book
  • why you read it
  • and explain what effect the book had on you

Part 3 – Discussion

In Part 3, the examiner and the test takers discuss issues related to the topic in Part 2 in a more general and abstract way and, where appropriate, in greater depth. Part 3 lasts 4–5 minutes.

Here are some of the IELTS Speaking topics part 3.

  1. Do you like change (changes in your life)?
  2. What types of people don’t like change?
  3. Who do you think can adapt more easily to change in their lives, children or adults?
  4. What are some of the major changes that (most) people experience throughout their lives?
  5. Do you think change is always a good thing?
  6. What do you think are some of the good points about change in people’s lives?
  7. What are some examples of changes in society that benefit society (or, people) and
  8. what are some examples of changes in society that harm people?
  9. What challenges (or difficulties) do people face when they move to live in a different place?
  10. Why do some people decide to move to a different country?
  11. Who do you think can more easily adapt to a change of living place, old people or
  12. young people? (or – adults or children)
  13. How long (how many years) do people in your country usually work before they retire?
  14. Do you think people like to have a stable job?
  15. Why do a lot of (young) people (choose to) change their jobs nowadays?
  16. Do you think it’s a good idea to change jobs?
  17. In general, how would you describe the types of people who frequently change jobs?
  18. What are some of the possible problems that can result from changing jobs?
  19. Do many people from your country go overseas for work?
  20. What types of people go overseas to work?
  21. What are the benefits of staying in one job (one company/with one employer) for a long time?
  22. Why do you think people who have been in a job for a long time are less likely than others to change their job?
  23. Do you think people today change jobs more than people did in the past?
  24. Do young people prefer to have a stable life?
  25. Do you think people need to be adaptable in modern society?
  26. What could happen to someone who was not able to adapt to changes in the world?
  27. Do you think more people need to be more adaptable?
  28. (In your country) Have there been any changes in people’s eating habits in the past few decades?
  29. Do many people in your country eat out (= eat in restaurants)?
  30. Why do people sometimes eat out?
  31. Does it give people more status to eat in a restaurant rather than eating at home?
  32. Have there been any changes in people’s choices about eating out in the past few decades?
  33. Do people go to restaurants now more often than they did before?
  34. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at home compared to eating out?
  35. Do you think bigger restaurants tend to be better than small ones?
  36. Do you think expensive (‘fancy’) restaurants are always better than cheaper restaurants?
  37. Do you think small (independent) restaurants are better than chain restaurants (= franchised restaurants)?
  38. In what ways are restaurants that serve foreign dishes different to restaurants that serve only food from your country?
  39. What factors make a restaurant a good one (or, a successful business)?
  40. Besides the food, what other attributes (qualities) can make a restaurant attractive to people?
  41. Which do you think people place more importance on when they go to a restaurant, the quality or the price of the food?
  42. Which do you think is more important in a restaurant, price and service or the location of a restaurant?
  43. Is food safety ever a problem in your country?  See Note
  44. What food safety problems occur in restaurants sometimes?
  45. What do you suggest could be done about those problems?
  46. How do customers in restaurants ask for help?
  47. What food (and/or dishes) do people in your country eat?
  48. Do you think people will still be eating the same food in the future?
  49. Do you think adults and children generally like to eat the same foods?
  50. In your country, would you say people’s eating habits (mostly = what they eat) have changed in the past few decades?
  51. Which food do you think is healthier, restaurant food or home-cooked food?
  52. Why do people sometimes eat ‘fast food’?
  53. Are there any differences between foreign fast food restaurants and fast food restaurants that serve dishes from your country?
  54. Some people say fast food is ‘junk food’. Do you agree?
  55. Do you think the popularity of this type of food is creating any problems?
  56. Why do you suggest could be done about this problem?
  57. Do you think the government should do something to reduce the consumption of fast food?
  58. Do you think people generally have good knowledge about nutrition?
  59. In what ways do you think modern buildings are different to those of the past (e.g.30 to 100 years ago)?
  60. Which do you think are better, high-rise buildings or buildings that are not very tall?
  61. What factors do you think are important in the design of a building?
  62. How is the site for a new building chosen (= what factors)*
  63. Who do you think prefers a multi-storey building, young people or old people?
  64. Old / Historic Buildings  Frequent sub-topic
  65. What buildings do people in your country think are the most important?
  66. What do people in your country think of old buildings?
  67. Do you think (all) old buildings should be preserved?
  68. How are some old buildings designated as ‘historic buildings’? (Who decides? On what basis?)
  69. Do you think historic buildings should be preserved (or, protected)?
  70. What’s the purpose in preserving (or, protecting) historic buildings?
  71. Have people’s attitudes towards old buildings changed in recent years?
  72. Do you think young people and old people have the same attitudes (or feelings) about old buildings?
  73. What can we learn (about history) from an old building?
  74. How are these buildings preserved (or protected)?
  75. Which do you think is more important; the government spending money on preserving historic buildings, or the government spending money on the constructions of schools and hospitals?
  76. Do you think buildings that have historic value are adequately protected in your country?
  77. In your country, what is the general attitude that people have about protecting (or preserving) old buildings?
  78. Do you think memory is important?  (Here, ‘memory’ = the ability to remember)
  79. What are some of the benefits of having a good memory?
  80. Are there any things that are especially important for people to remember?  See Note
  81. Are there any things that are especially important for people to memorize?
  82. Do you think having a good memory is important for students?
  83. Can you suggest any types of work (or professions) that require having a good memory?
  84. Do you think doctors and teachers need to have a good memory?
  85. What are the possible negative results of having a poor memory?
  86. What are some reasons why people forget things (or, have a bad memory)?
  87. What kinds of people are most likely to forget things?
  88. Do you think having a bad memory can affect one’s performance at work?
  89. What do you think are the most important things to remember?
  90. What sorts of things do people tend to remember best?
  91. Do you think a person’s memory changes over time (over their lifetime)?
  92. How do children remember things?
  93. Memory Aids / Memory Improvement
  94. Do you believe a person’s memory can be improved?
  95. Can you suggest any methods or skills people could use to improve their memory?
  96. Besides the qualities that you just described, what other ways do people use to judge someone’s intelligence?
  97. Do you think the intelligence of a person is important?
  98. Do you think it’s good to be more intelligent than average people?
  99. Do you think that there are any things that highly intelligent cannot do easily?
  100. Do you think (highly) intelligent people tend to be happier than average people?
  101. Do you think that intelligent people tend to be more selfish than other people?
  102. Who do you think has the greater influence on a child’s education (or learning) , the child’s teachers or the parents?
  103. In connection with a child’s education, what do you think is the role of teachers and that of the parents?
  104. Who do you think are better suited to be teachers, men or women?
  105. What qualities do you think a good teacher should have (or, has)?
  106. Do you think it’s easy for (young) people to save money?
  107. Do young people nowadays believe in saving money?
  108. In your opinion, why do many people derive pleasure from spending money?
  109. How important do you think it is to save some money?
  110. Do you think money can bring happiness?
  111. What do (young) people in your country save money for?
  112. Who do you think places more importance on saving money, men or women?
  113. Who do you think saves money easier (or better, or more), males or females?
  114. In general, in your culture, who controls the household finances more, the husband or the wife?
  115. Why do some people find it hard to save?
  116. Which do you think is better for the economy of a country or area, people saving money or people spending money?
  117. Are credit cards used very much in your country?
  118. Which is better for saving money, using a credit card or using cash?
  119. Why do most cities and towns have parks and / or public gardens?
  120. Can you suggest why most people like parks and gardens in their city (or, like ‘green areas’ in their city)?
  121. Who do you think should be responsible for the public parks and gardens in a town or city? (Why?)
  122. Who do you think should pay for the construction and maintenance of parks and public gardens? (Why?)
  123. Are there any disadvantages to having a public garden as compared to a public park?
  124. Do many people in your country have their own (private) garden?
  125. Why do people (want to) have their own (private) garden?
  126. Would you like to have your own garden?
  127. Who do you think likes to have their own garden more, young people or old(er) people?
  128. Do you think it’s a good idea for a (poor) person to have their own garden (if possible)?
  129. If you had your own garden, what would you grow in it?
  130. On what occasions are flowers used in your country?
  131. Do any flowers have any particular significance (or meaning) in your culture (or, your country)?
  132. Do people in your country often give gifts to their friends and family?
  133. Is gift-giving considered to be important in your culture?
  134. What are some customs (or traditions) that you have in your culture about gift-giving?
  135. In your country, what are some of the more popular (or, common) gifts that people give each other today?
  136. What factors do people consider when they are buying a gift for someone?
  137. What kinds of (or, what are some examples of) the gifts that children receive today?
  138. What factors do people consider when they are buying a gift for a child?
  139. What do you think are good gifts for children?
  140. Besides your example (from Part 2), what other things do people often keep in the family for a long time?
  141. Why do people keep these old things?
  142. How do people (manage to ) keep things within a family for a long time?
  143. Do you think (the study of) history is important?
  144. Do you think (all) old buildings should be preserved?
  145. Why are old buildings sometimes demolished?
  146. Do you think historical buildings should be preserved?
  147. What kinds of museums do you have in your country?
  148. Are there many museums in your hometown?
  149. Do you think museums are useful?
  150. Do people (in your country) prefer to watch films in the cinema or at home?
  151. Do you prefer to watch happy or sad films?
  152. Would you say people in your country prefer to watch comedy films or dramatic films?
  153. Do you think films of today have changed, compared to those of the past (e.g. 10-30 years ago)?
  154. What influence do foreign films have on your culture (or, your society)?
  155. In general, what do people in your country do in their leisure time?
  156. What do young people prefer to do?
  157. In your leisure time, do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?
  158. What kinds of people prefer outdoor leisure activities?
  159. Do you think leisure-time activities today are very different to those of the past (e.g. 20 to 30 years ago)?
  160. What are some of the different ways by which people gain knowledge?
  161. How can a person get access to information if they don’t have a computer?
  162. Do you think watching television is a good way to gain knowledge?
  163. How important do you think it is to have (or acquire) knowledge?
  164. What do people in your country think of teachers (or, the teaching profession)?
  165. Why do some people not want to become a teacher?
  166. Do you think teachers should encourage their students to ask questions?
  167. Do you think it is worth it (or, worthwhile) for adults to continue their education after they have graduated from university?
  168. In your country, besides universities, are there any other places (institutions) where adults can study?
  169. What courses can (or, do) adults study at these places?
  170. Do you like being busy?
  171. What can (or, what do) people do to relieve the pressure of a very busy life?
  172. Do you think it’s necessary for everyone to spend some time in a relaxed, quiet place?
  173. Do you have a (regular) daily routine?
  174. What are some examples of things people do that are not part of their regular (daily or weekly) routine?
  175. Who do you think has the greater need to follow a daily routine, young people or older people?
  176. What do you think are the benefits for busy people of using an appointment book (or, a diary)?
  177. What do you suggest people could do in order to improve their time management?
  178. Why do people buy souvenirs?
  179. What types of things do people buy as souvenirs?
  180. Do you think different types of people tend to buy different sorts of souvenirs?
  181. What types of souvenirs do visitors to your country buy?
  182. How do people choose a travel destination?
  183. Do you think people should plan their trip before traveling?
  184. How important to you is the locality and the surroundings of your house?
  185. Where (what types of places) do most people in your country prefer to live?
  186. What do you think about building a house in (or living in) the countryside?
  187. If you could only build your dream home in the countryside (not in the city), would you do it?
  188. Do people (in your country) prefer to live in cities or rural environments?
  189. What kinds of home do people in your country live in?
  190. What do you think is the best type of home for families to live in?
  191. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a house compared to living in an apartment?
  192. What do you think are the benefits and the drawbacks of living in an old house or apartment?
  193. Do people in your country often stay in (or, at) hotels?
  194. Why do people stay in hotels?
  195. In your country, when people travel to see friends or relatives, do they usually stay with the people they are visiting or do they usually stay in a hotel?
  196. What do you think are the pros and cons of visitors staying in a hotel rather than in the home of the people they are visiting?
  197. What factors do people consider when they are choosing a hotel to stay at?
  198. Are there any differences today (in your country) about traveling abroad, compared to a few decades ago?
  199. What forms of transport do people use when they go on a trip?
  200. How is the transport that people use today different  to what they used in the past?
  201. How do people achieve success at school?
  202. How would you define the the expression, ‘success at school’?
  203. Which do you think is more important, success with one’s studies (academic success) or success in sport?
  204. Do you believe ‘being successful’ and ‘making a lot of money’ are the same thing?
  205. How do you think successful students at school are rewarded?
  206. How do you think successful students at school should be rewarded?
  207. Besides the sport you just spoke about, what other sports are popular in your country?
  208. Are there any differences between the popularity of sports in your country today and the situation in the past?
  209. Do people play sport very much in your country?
  210. Why do some people not like sport?
  211. Do you have a favourite sportsperson?
  212. Why do so many teenage males (and boys and even some young females) dream of being a professional athlete (or, a sports star)?
  213. Do you think some people become top sportspeople by hard work (or, effort) or is it more a question of good luck?
  214. In your country, what are some examples of equipment that often breaks down or becomes unusable because of some fault?
  215. Why do you think this equipment breaks so easily?
  216. What are some examples of equipment (or machines, or devices) that we use in everyday life?
  217. Which of those do you think is the most important?
  218. Do you think modern equipment saves people time?
  219. Do you think modern, labour-saving devices/equipment make people lazy?
  220. What is the difference between men and women when choosing what to read?
  221. What kind books do children like? Why do they like reading?
  222. What is the difference between reading and watching TV?
  223. What is the relationship between reading and computer?
  224. What are the advantages of reading books?
  225. Why do children like pictorials?