Politeness » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
Nội dung khóa học
Shadowing Technique Practice
New Learning Management System (LMS)
IELTS Speaking
Nội dung bài học

1. Who teaches you to be polite?

2. How do Vietnamese/Indian people show politeness?

3. Has the way people show politeness changed in India?

4. Are you angry with people who are late?

5. Do you think that people have less free time today than in the past? Why?

6. Do you think that the quality of living increasing?How?

7. Today people use machinery to automate everything,is it good or bad?

8. How does modern technology help to save time?

6. Do you agree that people should let machinery do everything?

1. Who teaches you to be polite?
✤ Our parents,teachers,relatives,friends and other acquaintances,teach us politeness.We also learn about the importance of politeness from stories we read and movies we watch.

2. How do Indian people show politeness?
✤ Indian people show politeness in their actions,like talking softly,spending time with the elderly,helping people,greeting others with a smile and many other such small gestures reflect politeness.

3. Has the way people show politeness changed in India?
✤ Yes,I think with the advancement in technology,the way we show politeness has changed.With the advent of the internet and social networking,it is very important to show respect to others in the way we write messages or emails,so as to not offend others.For example, when chatting with someone,it is not acceptable to type in capital letters.It is considered rude and impolite.

4. Are you angry with people who are late?
✤ Yes,definitely I am angry with people who are late.I am very punctual myself and I feel irritated when somebody keeps me waiting.

5. Do you think that people have less free time today than in the past? Why?
✤ Yes,I do feel that people have less free time today than in the past.Today,people have become workaholics.They run after money and in doing so they work longer hours.Moreover,today we belong to a materialistic society and to buy the luxuries we have to work more.In earlier times,life was slower and the needs of people were limited.So people had a lot of free time.

6. Do you think that the quality of living increasing?How?
✤ I feel that the quality of life has increased in many ways and in many ways it has gone down.People today enjoy greater comforts and have more money to enjoy life but on the other hand we face many problems today such as pollution and global warming which make the quality of life bad.

7. Today people use machinery to automate everything,is it good or bad?
✤ It is both – good as well as bad.In many ways it is good.We have more time because of machines.We get good quality things because machines make uniform things.We do mass production because of automation and this boosts our economy as we can export things to other countries when we produce them in bulk.
On the other hand,many people have lost jobs because of automation.So,unemployment occurs and this leads to many other problems in society.Machines can also not give a personal touch to things.

8. How does modern technology help to save time?
✤ Modern technology has touched all aspects of life.In transport industry we have much faster means of travel.In communication, technology has given us tools to connect to others at the click of a mouse.In the homes,we have washing machines and microwave ovens, which save our time.

6. Do you agree that people should let machinery do everything?
✤ I do not agree that machines should do everything.In that way we shall become slaves of our own creation.We should know when,where and how much we have to use machines.We should know where to draw the line.When we need mass production,we should take the help of machines. In doing repetitive and boring work we can let the machines take over.But where creativity is needed,we should do with our own hands.