People’s Ages » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
Nội dung khóa học
Shadowing Technique Practice
New Learning Management System (LMS)
IELTS Speaking
Nội dung bài học

1. What do you think is the most important age in a person’s life?(Why?)
(Similar to above)In India,what’s the most important age in people’s lives?

2. Are birthdays important in Indian culture?
(Similar to above)Do people in India celebrate birthdays?

3. What birthday is most important in Indian culture?

4. What age in life is the most difficult?(Why?)

1. What do you think is the most important age in a person’s life?(Why?)
(Similar to above)In India,what’s the most important age in people’s lives?
✤ I think the most important age is eighteen in India.At this age adulthood starts and with it a lot of legal rights,like the right to vote,legally obtain a driving license for four wheelers,making independent financial decisions and many more.

2. Are birthdays important in Indian culture?
(Similar to above)Do people in India celebrate birthdays?
✤ Yes,birthdays are important in the Indian culture.Birthdays are celebrated but in different ways by different people.Sometimes it’s a party with the relatives and friends,sometimes people celebrate with only their family and eat out and sometimes it’s a movie and a meal with friends.

3. What birthday is most important in Indian culture?
✤ The most important birthday in the Indian culture is the 18th one.(rest can be the same as in the answer to Ques.1).

4. What age in life is the most difficult?(Why?)
✤ Every age has it’s own challenges and joys.I don’t think that we can call any particular age the most difficult.Teenage years may be a little challenging,as in those years of adolescence children undergo both physical and hormonal changes,which may be a little difficult to deal with.They are neither children nor adults at that age.