Books » Luyện thi Gò Vấp
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Shadowing Technique Practice
New Learning Management System (LMS)
IELTS Speaking
Nội dung bài học

1. How often do you read?

2. Do you have many books at home?

3. Do Indian people do enough reading?

4. Do …… people like to read?
(similar to above)

5. What kind of people like reading and what kind of people don’t like reading very much?

6. What type of books children read nowadays?

7. Do you think children have lost their interest in stories?

8. Can story books be an ideal gift for children?

9. What can be done to encourage the habit of reading among children?

10. How does reading help a child?

11. What sort of books can be suggested to children to read?

12. How much should a child read every day?

13. What is the difference between the books sold in the past and the books sold nowadays?

1. How often do you read?
✤ I like to read quite often.I read magazines and newspapers and my textbooks.Apart from that I have read a few novels by Amrita Pritam.I have read her Pinjar,which means skeleton.

2. Do you have many books at home?
✤ No,I do not have any books at home.I only have my textbooks at home.

3. Do Indian people do enough reading?
✤ Yes,Indian people do a lot of reading.They read magazines,newspapers,fiction and nonfiction such as biographies and autobiographies.

4. Do Indian people like to read?
(similar to above)

5. What kind of people like reading and what kind of people don’t like reading very much?
✤ People who are literate like to read.Many people don’t like reading because they don’t have interest in reading.

6. What type of books children read nowadays?
✤ Nowadays,generally speaking,the reading habit of the children is on the decline.Whatever books they read are based on fantasy,fiction and supernatural characters like Barbie,superman and shaktiman.
50 years ago – Children read a lot.They read moral and spiritual books.They read animal stories.
After 50 years – I do not think they will do any reading.All the time will be spent in front of computers.

7. Do you think children have lost their interest in stories?
✤ No,I don’t think that children have lost their interest in stories.However,the stories they read today are very different from the past.

8. Can story books be an ideal gift for children?
✤ Yes,definitely!Story books can be an ideal gift for children.They can help the child imagine the characters in the mind which is the first step to creativity.Another important benefit is that we can impart the knowledge of culture,tradition,moral values and religion in the mind of the child.This forms the basis of the child’s personality.Finally,story books enhance the curiosity of the child and enhance their mental growth.

9. What can be done to encourage the habit of reading among children?
✤ A lot can be done to encourage the habit of reading among children.The first and foremost step would be to make books available.There should be good libraries in the schools as well as in neighbourhoods.Story telling competitions could be organised.If children have to take part in these competitions,then naturally,they would be encouraged to read books.Finally,books could be made more interesting by adding graphics.

10. How does reading help a child?
✤ Reading helps to improve concentration.It also helps to improve general knowledge.It also improves the language skills and satisfies the curiosity of children on various things.

11. What sort of books can be suggested to children to read?
✤ Children should be encouraged to read religious and historical books.They should also read biographies and autobiographies of famous people so that they get motivation from them.They should also be encouraged to read books on science and technology.However,these books should be made very interesting by adding pictures.

12. How much should a child read every day?
✤ A child should read half to one hour daily.I think that would be enough considering that they have to go to school and do their homework as well.

13. What is the difference between the books sold in the past and the books sold nowadays?
✤ In the past,books related to culture, tradition,religion and history were sold.Nowadays,books are mostly based on fiction and fantasy.